On the morning of October 29th, 2015, Shelly "Morigana" Songer experienced a heart complication and fell asleep to never wake up again. Her family was taken by surprise and knowing how much she loved her extended family reached out to contact me.
On June 18th 2015, at about 10:00 pm we lost a member of this family. He had spent the last few years battling the complications that came with a massive heart attack some 3 or 4 years ago. Most of you know him as Frugster, Gjind, Covia.
Once upon a time in the land of Tyria we met a wonderful, shining personality by the name of Jexia. She took care of everyone else first and put her own needs behind others. She was the personification of a Gaiscioch member and over time became our ideal Elder.
Carlos Quevedo is a graphic artist based in Valencia Venezuela, graduated in MonseƱor de Talavera College with a degree in Graphic Design and Publicity. He worked on several publicity agencies during almost three years before to start working as a freelance artist.